Quantize Functions

The quantize functions are available in the Edit menu and in the Snap/Quantize section of the Project window toolbar.

Quantize Functions on the Edit Menu


Quantizes audio or MIDI event starts.

Reset Quantize

Reverts your audio or MIDI to its original, unquantized state, and resets any length changes that you performed using the Scale Length/Legato slider in the Quantize Panel.

Quantize Panel

Opens the Quantize Panel.

Advanced Quantize

From this submenu you can select the following functions:

  • Quantize MIDI Event Lengths

    Cuts off the ends of selected MIDI events so that the events match the length quantize value. The start positions are kept.

  • Quantize MIDI Event Ends

    Moves the ends of MIDI events to the nearest grid positions.

  • Freeze MIDI Quantize

    Makes the start and end positions of MIDI events permanent. This function is useful in situations where you want to quantize a second time, based on the current quantized positions rather than the original positions.

  • Create Groove Quantize Preset

    Creates a groove quantize map based on hitpoints that you have created in the Sample Editor.

Quantize Functions on the Project Window Toolbar

  1. Iterative Quantize On/Off

    Activates/Deactivates iterative quantize.

  2. AudioWarp Quantize On/Off

    Activates AudioWarp quantizing.

  3. Quantize Presets

    Allows you to select a quantize or a groove preset.

  4. Apply Quantize

    Applies the quantize settings.

  5. Open Quantize Panel

    Opens the Quantize Panel.