Respecting/Ignoring clef octave indicators

Traditionally, clef octave indicators were used as a reminder of transposing instruments; however, in more recent music, some composers use clef octave indicators as an alternative to octave lines for extended passages. You can change whether Dorico Pro respects or ignores clef octave indicators in each flow independently.


  1. Press Ctrl/Cmd-Shift-N to open Notation Options.
  2. In the Flows list, select the flows in which you want to respect/ignore clef octave indicators.

    By default, only the current flow is selected when you open the dialog.

  3. Click Clefs in the category list.
  4. Choose one of the following options for Clefs with octave indicators:
    • Ignore octave indicator

    • Respect octave indicator

  5. Click Apply, then Close.


The handling of clefs with octave indicators is changed in the selected flows. When clef octave indicators are respected, the pitches of notes on staves with clefs with octave indicators are adjusted automatically. For example, notes with treble G clefs, octave above, appear an octave lower than they do when clef octave indicators are ignored.