Changing the style of playing technique continuation lines

You can change the style of individual playing technique duration lines and transition lines, for example, if you want to show a single duration line as a wiggly line. You can change the whole line style, including the caps, or only the body style, which does not affect the caps.


  1. In Engrave mode, select the playing technique continuation lines whose style you want to change.
  2. In the Properties panel, activate one of the following properties in the Playing Techniques group:
    • To change the whole line style, including caps, activate Line style.

    • To change only the body style, excluding caps, activate Line body style.

  3. Select the style you want from the menu.


The corresponding style of the selected playing technique continuation lines is changed.


You can change the default duration line and transition line types for each playing technique in the Edit Playing Techniques dialog. However, this only changes the whole line style.

After Completing This Task

You can change the caps of individual playing technique continuation lines.