Note Expression
Note expression allows you to edit MIDI notes and their expressions as one unit.
Note expression allows you to associate expression events with MIDI notes, so that they are treated as a unit. When you quantize, move, copy, duplicate, or delete MIDI notes, all their associated controller information follows. This allows for an intuitive and accurate editing of note-related data.
By expression events we understand the following events: MIDI control change, MIDI Pitchbend, MIDI Aftertouch, MIDI Poly Pressure, and VST Note Expression.
Expression event curves are shown as an overlay of the corresponding MIDI notes in the event display. All expression events for a MIDI note are shown simultaneously.

To be able to play and record expression events for MIDI notes, you must use an input controller device that supports note expression, such as MPE-compatible keyboards or MIDI guitars. If you do not have such an input controller, you can assign MIDI messages to expressions instead.
To be able to hear polyphonic performances that use expression events correctly, you must use an output controller device that supports note expression, such as MPE-compatible instruments or VST note expression-compatible VST instruments. If you do not have such a device, you must set up your MIDI instrument to play the same sound on all MIDI channels.