Checking the Results of the Global Analysis
The results of the global analysis are marked with hot points. You can browse through these points to see the results of the analysis.
In the Audio Editor, select the Edit tab, click Global Analysis, and perform the analysis.
- In the Global Analysis dialog, click the tab that represents the values that you want to check.
- Check the display for maximum/minimum values in the entire analyzed section.
- Decide which of these values you want to check.
- Click the value.
Check the Number of Points value at the bottom of the dialog.
The value shows the number of positions that were detected by the analysis.
Use the scrollbar below the Number of Points value to browse between the detected positions.
The edit cursor shows the position in the wave window.
To browse another property, click the corresponding tab, and then the value button.
The result of the analysis is saved until you close the dialog or click Analyze again.