Effects Pane
You can fold/unfold or completely show/hide the Effects pane.
To fold/unfold the Effects pane, click it.
To show/hide the Effects pane, right-click a pane header, and activate/deactivate Show Effects.

- Fold/Unfold Pane
Expands or collapses the pane.
- Bypass All Effects
Bypasses any effect processing during playback and when rendering.
- Add Effect
Allows you to add an effect to an empty effect slot.
- Effect plug-in name
Once you have added a plug-in to a slot, you can click the plug-in name to open and close the corresponding plug-in window.
- Presets pop-up menu
Lets you save and recall preset settings. The Presets pop-up menu offers additional options to save and load default banks and effects.
Allows you to load another effect to the effect slot. Furthermore, the following options are available:
- Solo (Bypass)
Soloes the plug-in.
- Bypass Effect
Bypasses the plug-in during playback and optionally during rendering. The signal is still processed by the plug-in, but is not injected in the audible stream.