Audio File Comparator Dialog
In this dialog, you can compare two audio files.
To open the Audio File Comparator dialog, select the Analyze tab in the Audio Editor and click Audio File Comparator.

- Files to Compare
Allows you to select the two audio files that you want to compare.
- Generate Delta File
If this option is activated, a delta file is created that contains only the differences between the two compared files.
- Difference Amplification
Amplifies the differences in the delta file to facilitate seeing and hearing them.
- Create Markers at Points of Difference
Inserts markers at points where differences are detected. You can insert difference markers in the first, the second, or the delta file.
- One Marker Pair Encompasses the Differences
If this option is activated, one marker pair is inserted that encompasses the range that contains differences.
- Multiple Markers
If this option is activated, multiple markers are inserted according to the Maximum Number of Markers and Minimum Time Between Two Markers settings.
Maximum Number of Markers sets the maximum number of markers to be inserted.
Minimum Time Between Two Markers determines the density of the markers to be inserted.