Range Parameters
The range parameters on the Operation page of the Batch Renaming dialog allow you to specify where in the name the operation is performed.
To access the range parameters, click Advanced Editing at the bottom of the Batch Renaming dialog.

Range to Process
- All
If this option is activated, the whole name is processed by the operation.
- Regular Expression
Select this option if you want only a part of the name to be processed by the operation. In this case, you need to define a regular expression. Clicking the asterisk opens a menu with shortcuts for several regular expressions.
- From/To
If this option is activated, you can set the start and end position of the range independently in the From and To sections.
- Start
If this option is activated, the position is the beginning of the source name.
- Character Position
If this option is activated, the position is a fixed offset from the beginning of the source name.
- Start of Regular Expression
Select this option if you want the position to be the one of the sub-strings found by the regular expression applied on the source name.
- After Regular Expression
Select this option if you want the position to be the one right after the sub-string found by the regular expression applied on the source name.
- End of Previous Operation
If this option is activated, the position corresponds to the end of the change performed by the previous operation.
- End
If this option is activated, the position is the end of the source name.
- End
If this option is activated, the position is the end of the source name.
- Position from End
If this option is activated, the position is a fixed offset before the end of the source name.
- Number of Characters
If this option is activated, the end position is given by the start position plus a number of characters.
- Before Start of Regular Expression
Select this option if you want the position to be just before the sub-string found by the regular expression applied on the source name.
- End of Regular Expression
Select this option if you want the position to be the end of the sub-string found by the regular expression applied on the source name.
- Comment
Allows you to add a comment to the batch renaming operation.