Adding Envelope Curve Points

Curve points allow you to create volume curves, pan curves, and fade curves for a clip. You can edit the envelope curve by adding and moving curve points. You can add one or multiple envelope curve points.


  • To add a curve point, double-click the envelope curve.

    If you keep the mouse button pressed after double-clicking the envelope curve, you can move the curve point to another position.

  • To add multiple curve points within a selection range, do one of the following:
    • To add three curve points, make a selection range, and double-click the envelope curve within the selection range.

      This creates a curve point at the start and the end of the selection, and a curve point at the position that you have clicked. If the selection range already contains a curve point and you double-click the envelope curve, two curve points are created.

    • To add four curve points with two curve points at the beginning of the selection and two curve points at the end of the selection, make a selection range, and click and drag the envelope curve up or down.

      This only works if the selection range does not contain any curve points. The distance between the first and the second, and between the third and the last curve point is determined by the Default Fade/Crossfade setting in the Audio tab of the Global Preferences.

    • To add four curve points that have an equal distance to each other, make a selection range, press Ctrl/Cmd, and click and drag the envelope curve up or down.

      This only works if the selection range does not contain any curve points.

    • To add four curve points where the two curve points in the middle have a greater distance to each other that to the first and last curve points, make a selection range, press Ctrl/Cmd-Alt, and click and drag the envelope curve up or down.

      This only works if the selection range does not contain any curve points.