Navigating across Envelope Points

In the Audio Montage window, you can quickly navigate to specific envelope points and select them.

Navigating across – and to specific – envelope points via the Envelope context menu or the Envelope tab saves you the time and effort of manually selecting envelope points one by one and allows for quick final reviews of envelope points and levels, for example.


  • Do one of the following:
    • Right-click on an envelope curve. From the Envelope context menu, choose Select First Point, Select Previous Point, or Select Next Point to navigate to the desired envelope point on the envelope curve.Envelope Context Menu
    • Activate the Envelope tab. Click to select an envelope point on the envelope curve. From the Selected Points section, choose First (1), Previous (2), or Next (3) to navigate to the desired envelope point on the envelope curve.Navigation via the Envelope tab

      You can edit the values of selected envelope points via the Inspector.