Formats Tab (Global Preferences)

This tab allows you to adjust settings for some of the audio formats and units that WaveLab Pro uses.

  • To open the Formats tab of the Global Preferences, select File > Preferences > Global and click Formats.


Use AES17 Standard for RMS Values

Determines how RMS values are reported.

  • If this option is activated, the displayed level for a full scale sine audio file is 0 dB. This follows the AES17 standard.

  • If this option is deactivated, the displayed level for a full scale sine audio file is -3 dB.

Loudness Analysis Reference

Allows you to define the loudness reference value. The EBU R-128 recommendation for broadcast is -23 dB.

The loudness reference value is used in the following contexts:

  • To display the zero point marker in the bottom scale of the Loudness Meter.

  • To display the loudness value in relation to the reference value in the Global Analysis dialog.

  • To display the loudness value in relation to the reference value in the Audio Analyzer plug-in of the Batch Processor window.

  • To compare the value in relation to your audio material via the Loudness Analysis dialog of the Analyze tab (available in the Audio Editor and in the Audio Montage window).

Pitch of A3 (Used in Frequency To Note Conversions)

Sets the reference pitch in WaveLab Pro. The frequency-to-note conversions take this pitch into account.

Create Windows-Compatible File Names (macOS only)

Some characters in file names, for example, | and \, are not supported by Windows. If this option is activated and you save a file, WaveLab Pro converts unsupported characters to characters that are supported by Windows.

MIDI Note Display

The options in this section allow you to choose whether to display the different key values in WaveLab Pro with the pitch or the MIDI note number of the key. In musical notation, keys are denoted according to their pitch. For example, C3 means the note C in the third octave.

Each key corresponds to a MIDI note number from 0 to 127. For example, key C3 corresponds to the MIDI note number 48. MIDI note numbers make it possible for samplers to automatically map samples to the correct keys.

Numeric Style

Determines the format for MIDI notes that are displayed as numbers.

Middle C (Note #60)

Determines the key convention for the MIDI note range (0-127).


Determines how MIDI notes are displayed throughout the application.

CSV Delimiter

CSV Delimiter

Several areas of WaveLab Pro allow you to export information in the CSV text format. This option lets you set the delimiter character that a third-party software requires to import CSV files.