File Tab

The File tab is the control center of WaveLab Yellowtec Edition. Here, you can save, open, render, import, and export files. It also gives you detailed information about your files and allows you to set up the WaveLab Yellowtec Edition preferences.


Provides information about the active file and allows you to edit the audio properties of audio files and audio montages.


Allows you to create an audio file or audio montage.


Allows you to open audio files or audio montages.

You can also open files that you have previously copied to the clipboard in the File Explorer/Mac OS Finder.

Save As

Allows you to save the active file or the project. You can specify the name, file format, and location. You can also save a copy of the active file.


Allows you to render the active file.


Allows you to view and change the preferences of WaveLab Yellowtec Edition. You can set up the preferences for the following parts of WaveLab Yellowtec Edition:

  • Global

  • VST Audio Connections

  • Shortcuts

  • Plug-ins

  • Audio Files