Time Warp (Cubase Pro only)
The Time Warp tool allows you to adjust musical positions of events or parts to time positions.
You can adjust positions in musical time based material to positions in time.
You can match material with a musical time base to material with a linear time base.
The Time Warp tool can create tempo values up to 300 BPM.
If you activate Time Warp on the toolbar, the ruler shows tempo events as flags with tempo values.
If you click the Time Warp on the Project window toolbar, and click again, a pop-up menu opens where you can select one of the following modes:
Warp Grid
If you use the Time Warp tool in this mode, the absolute time positions for all tracks that are set to musical time base are kept.
Warp Grid (musical events follow)
If you use the Time Warp tool in this mode, all tracks that are set to musical time base follow the changes.
When you click with the Time Warp tool, it snaps to the tempo grid in the window. If you want the Time Warp tool to snap to a marker or the start or end of an event instead, activate Snap and set the Snap Type to Events.