Setting Volume

Each channel in the fader section of the MixConsole has a volume fader. The fader levels are displayed below the fader, in dB for audio-related channels and as MIDI volume (0 to 127) for MIDI channels.

  • To change the volume, move the fader up or down.

  • To make fine volume adjustments, press Shift while moving the faders.

  • To reset the volume on its default value, press Ctrl/Cmd and click a fader.

For audio channels, the volume fader controls the volume of the channel before it is routed to an output bus, directly or via a group channel. For output channels the volume fader controls the master output level of all audio channels that are routed to an output bus. For MIDI channels the volume fader controls the volume changes in the MixConsole by sending out MIDI volume messages to the connected instruments that are set to respond to MIDI messages.