In Cubase, a score page always has multiple layers: the note layers, the layout layer, and the project layer. Any symbol that you add to the score belongs to one of these layers, depending on the type of symbol.
Note Layer Symbols
The following symbols automatically belong to the note layer:
Note symbols, such as accents and lyrics, and note-dependent symbols, such as arpeggio lines
These symbols are tied to notes. If you move, cut, or paste the note, the note symbol is moved, cut, or pasted as well.
Other note layer symbols, such as tempo, dynamics, and chords
If you edit the notes, these symbols remain unaffected. The position of these symbols is fixed within a bar. If you change the spacing of the bars across the page, the symbol positions are changed as well.
Note layer symbols automatically belong to Layer 1. You can assign them to Layer 2 or Layer 3, if needed.
Note layer symbols belong to the voice to which you insert them. Therefore, make sure that you activate the correct voice.
Layout Layer Symbols
Layout layer symbols are an integral part of the layout that is stored for a specific combination of tracks. The inserted layout symbols and texts are automatically shown on all tracks of this combination.
By deactivating the L column for specific tracks in the Score Settings dialog (Layout tab), you can hide layout symbols for that track.
You can insert symbols from the sections Dynamics Mapping, Dynamics, Lines/Trills, Other, and Form Symbols to the layout layer.
Project Layer Symbols
Project layer symbols are layout symbols that are displayed for all layouts in a score.
You can insert symbols from the sections Dynamics Mapping, Dynamics, Line/Trill, Other, and Form Symbols as well as barline types and bar number offsets to the project layer.
If you insert repeats, da capos, and endings as project layer symbols and activate the Arranger mode, playback follows the symbols.