Hiding/Showing chord symbols

You can hide/show chord symbols above particular staves or only within chord symbol/slash regions project-wide on a per-player basis. By default, chord symbols appear above rhythm section instrument staves, such as keyboards, guitars, and bass guitars.

Any player on whose staff you input chord symbols is automatically set to show chord symbols for all instruments in the current layout.


  1. In Setup mode, select a player in the Players panel for whom you want to hide/show chord symbols.
  2. Right-click the player and choose one of the following options from the context menu:
    • To show chord symbols above all instrument staves held by the player, choose Chord Symbols > Show for All Instruments.

    • To show chord symbols only above rhythm section instrument staves held by the player, choose Chord Symbols > Show for Rhythm Section Instruments.

    • To show chord symbols only in chord symbol/slash regions on instrument staves held by the player, choose Chord Symbols > Show in Chord Symbol and Slash Regions.

    • To hide chord symbols above all instrument staves held by the player, choose Chord Symbols > Hide for All Instruments.


Chord symbols are hidden/shown above the corresponding instrument staves held by the selected player, depending on the layouts in which chord symbols are shown for that player in your project.

  • You can choose to show chord symbols only once at the top of each system in each layout independently.

  • You can choose to show chord symbols between the two staves of grand staff instruments, such as piano, in the Position section of the Chord Symbols page in Engrave > Engraving Options.

  • You can also hide/show individual chord symbols in layouts where chord symbols are shown by selecting them and activating Hidden in the Chord Symbols group of the Properties panel. Signposts are shown at the position of each hidden chord symbol. However, signposts are not printed by default.

    You can assign a key command for Hide/Show Item on the Key Commands page in Preferences, which applies to chord symbols, playing techniques, figured bass, text objects, and time signatures.