ADR Controls

The controls for the ADR functions are located at the bottom of the Markers window/ADR window.

  • To display the Markers window/ADR window with the ADR section open, select Project > ADR.

Locate Previous Marker in Markers Window/Next Marker in Markers Window

Allows you to select the previous/next marker from the marker list. If Cycle Follows When Locating to Markers is activated in the Settings section, the corresponding locator range is also selected in the Project window ruler.

Use Pre-roll

Allows you to activate/deactivate a pre-roll for the Free Run mode.

Free Run Mode

Activate this mode to start from the project cursor position. On stop, the cursor returns to the start position by default. You can change this by deactivating Return to Start Position on Stop in the Preferences dialog (Transport page).

Deactivate this mode to use the selected cycle marker. Pre-roll and post-roll are determined by the settings on the General tab in the ADR Setup window.


Plays back the selected take so that the artist can rehearse it.


Records the selected take on the record-enabled track.


Plays back the take for review. To enable this, on the Signal Switchboard tab, activate Take in Review mode for Other Audio for the Control Room and Cue 1.

Guide Track for Cue 1 On/Off

Allows you to mute the guide track for cue 1.

Guide Track for Control Room On/Off

Allows you to mute the guide track for the Control Room.

ADR Setup

Opens the ADR Setup window.