File Tab
The File tab is the control center of WaveLab Pro. Here, you can save, open, render, import, and export files. It also gives you detailed information about your files and allows you to set up the WaveLab Pro preferences.

- Info
Provides information about the active file and allows you to edit the audio properties of audio files and audio montages.
- New
Allows you to create audio files, audio montages, batch processors, file groups, projects, DVD-Audio files, RSS feeds, or script files. You can create new files or use a template.
- Open
Allows you to open audio files, audio montages, batch processors, projects, DVD-Audio files, RSS feeds, or script files.
You can also open files that you have previously copied to the clipboard in the File Explorer/macOS Finder.
- Import
Allows you to open different file formats. The following formats are supported:
Audio File to Montage
CD Cue
Unknown Audio
This option allows you to specify how WaveLab Pro should interpret the format of the audio file that you want to open.
File Groups
You can also import audio CD tracks from an audio CD.
- Save As
Allows you to save the active file or the project. You can specify the name, file format, and location. You can also save a copy of the active file.
- Save All
Allows you to save all changed files of your project at once. The file list gives you an overview of all files that have been changed.
You can use the filter to show all changed files, only audio files, only audio montages, or all other files, for example, batch processor files.
- Export
Allows you to render the active file, export the file group to a text file, and export audio montages to AES-31 and XML.
- Preferences
Allows you to view and change the preferences of WaveLab Pro. You can set up the preferences for the following parts of WaveLab Pro:
Audio Connections
Remote Devices
Audio Files
Audio Montages
- Tools
Allows you to access the following tools:
Auto Split Audio Files
Signal Generator
DTMF Generator
Batch Conversion
Batch Renaming