Managing Tabs
File Group Tabs
The following options are available when you right-click a file group tab.

- Save Modified Files
Allows you to specify which of the modified files of the file group you want to save.
- Close All Files
Closes all file tabs.
- Select Files to Close
Opens the Files to Close dialog which allows you to specify the files to be closed.
- Set Temporary Files to Permanent Files
Adds all files to the file group that are not a permanent part of the file group.
- Close and Remove from Project
Closes the file group and removes it from the project.
- Remove Other File Groups from Project
Removes all file groups but the active file group from the project.
- Rename
Allows you to rename the file group.
- Export File Names
Allows you to create a text file that lists all files that are used in the file group.
File Tabs
The following options are available when you right-click a file tab.

- Check Tab/Uncheck Tab
Checks/Unchecks the tab. This allows you to render all file tabs at once via the Render tab or create an audio montage from all audio files that have a checked tab.
To check/uncheck all tabs at once, activate/deactivate the checkbox at the right of the file tabs.
You can also drag the selected tabs to another file tab.
- Create Audio Montage
Allows you to create an audio montage from different sources. The following options are available:
From Current Audio File creates an audio montage with the current audio file as a clip.
From Checked Tabs creates an audio montage from all audio files that have a checked tab.
To check a tab, right-click a file tab and select Check Tab. You can then activate all tabs from which you want to create an audio montage.
From All Audio File Tabs creates an audio montage from all audio file tabs.
- Add to
Allows you to add the active file to another editor.
- Close
Closes the active tab.
- Close All But This
Closes all files but the active file.
- Close All Audio Files
Closes all audio files.
- Keep in Project after Closing
If this option is activated, the file remains in the project after you close the file.
You can open the file again from the Project Manager window.
- Info
Displays information about the active file.
- Reveal in File Explorer/macOS Finder
Opens the File Explorer/macOS Finder to show the location of the file.
- Copy to Clipboard
Opens a menu, from which you can select which information about the file you want to copy to the clipboard.
- Recent Files
Allows you to open recently used files.
- New (Based on Active File)
Allows you to open a new file tab with the same settings of the source tab. This option is available if you right-click the empty area next to the file tabs.